
My name is Will and I live in Atlanta on the Westside.  I love my lovely ‘City in a Forest’, enough to acknowledge its brokenness and strive for its betterment.  I’m interested in urban design, planning and transportation issues.  I love beautiful architecture and public spaces, traditional neighborhoods, and bicycling, which I am slowly learning to use to replace more and more car trips.  If I can claim any areas of greater expertise, I do have a background in economics and pricing, as well as church history and Reformed Theology.  Right now I work to research markets and negotiate pricing for consumer products, and hopefully I’ll soon be studying the issues covered in this blog further.

The Seersucker suit, a Southern staple if you're going to get dressed up in the heat and humidity

The Seersucker suit, a Southern staple if you’re going to get dressed up in the heat and humidity

Resurgens, Latin for ‘rising again’, is the motto of the City of Atlanta, adopted to remember that Atlanta rose from its ashes after burning in 1865 during the Civil War.  The mythical phoenix is the symbol of the City of Atlanta, a bird which rises from the ashes of its predecessor.  May now be a new time of resurgens for Atlanta.

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