Monthly Archives: March 2014

Thanks, Grad School, and Blog restart

Dear readers,

I started this blog in the summer of 2013, but soon found myself writing essays to apply to MBA and Urban Planning programs, and not writing blog posts.  That is over now, as I had to make the difficult choice between pursuing an MBA at Wharton in Philadelphia and a master’s in planning in my hometown at Georgia Tech.  Both are incredible schools, but I’ve decided to go to Wharton for now.

I was honored today to be featured in Charles Marohn’s Friday News Digest at the Strong Towns Blog.  Reading Marohn’s book, Thoughts on Building Strong Towns, was really my first inspiration that I could take my business/finance background and apply it to working to build a better, or stronger, city here in Atlanta.

In the coming months as I transition out of my current job towards school, I will be working on a series of posts to re-start this blog after the late hiatus.  Topics will include reflections on Atlanta’s 2014 snowstorms, urban bicycling, and the potential re-opening of a prime Atlanta greenspace, the Atlanta Waterworks (my latest civic project).

Thank you for stopping by and if you follow the blog, the posts will flow straight to your email once I restart.

